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I was hurrying past Deans' corridor when one final year student, T. Th... of another dept. stopped me. "Sir, I read your blog". I thought that he was referring to th
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I was on my way to pick up my daughter studying in Class I from school
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I shared the development with McGraw Hill, India family with whom I am now working for the fourth title (expected release Dec. 2010). I have started working with them since 2004 in which three titles are published (my contribution as coauthor is approx. 350 pages each). They not only sent enthusiastic congratulatory mails but also placed the info. in t
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My PhD supervisor, now in Boston, USA too sent a congratulatory mail but more importantly sent me few new ideas in a related area. He painstakingly explained them in an attachment which he was writing for me for few days. And the following is what I had to say before I took up the technical aspect of his proposal. "Dear Sir, I always consider myself lucky in some sense! Never in my life I, that includes very much insecured childhood, I had
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My special thanks to Dr. P. S. Bha......, MD, DNBE, DM, a rare Kolkata physician with a love for research. Since, last one and half years he takes interest in our work and now he is one of us, an elder brother. He personally goes from one place to other to see that we are not short of funds in our research, talks to funding agencies, helps us in writing proposal. Not only that has funded INR 7 lakhs from his own for a new devlopmental work and is now helping us in hospital trial of the 'Heart Sound Analyzer' and its commercialization. This is also an overhelming experience and I fell humbled by this generosity.
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It was nice to receive congratulatory mail from Dr. Joy... Bha..., my friend, our collaborator in neuroscience area from university of London whose work was reported in BBC, ABC, Scientific Americana etc. He had been a great inspiration to us. I also thank Dr. Jai... Gos... of Schl..., Hous..., USA who too expressed lots of happiness at the devlopments. My mother's homeopath physician at Chuchura, Hooghly was very, very happy. In the second year of our developmental work he offered to buy then semifinished units at Rs. 10000 each and 10 such units. That was a great motivation for us that we were in the right direction. My thanks to Dr. C. S. Ba... of AIIMS, New Delhi who after a demonstration said that 20000 such units can immediately be sold as trainer units only and inspired us a lot. I am also thankfull to media correspondents who highlighted our work and definitely my institute, the great IIT Kharagpur and De.. (SR..) who always kept faith with us.
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Needless to say, my family had been a great support. My mother, wife, daughter were always accommodative and hardly complained about the extra hours I put in my work. My chhordi at Tata, Jamaibabu, their daughter (Tutu...), son-in-law (Ave..), Ave..'s parents were also very very happy and sent congratulatory messages. In Bandel, Bapidada, Boudi, Santudada, Rintu from Mamabari and Mejda, Chhotoboudi and others from bari telephoned. Pintu and Dip.. sent beautiful mails from USA.
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Endnote : Swami Satyabodhanandaji (Chiranjeev Maharaj), once every week sends one SMS, quoting Swami Vivekananda. This again is a great, great honour to be somewhere in the mind of Maharaj. I end this post by putting some of those SMS quotes, the last one first.
1. The only way of getting our divine nature manifested is by helping others to do the same ... the poor, the downtrodden, the ignorant - let thes be your God.
2. I love you all so much, but I would wish you all to die working for others ... Awake, Awake Great Ones! The world is burning with misery. Can you sleep?
3. The poor, the low, the sinner in India have no friends, no help ... they sink lower and lower everyday ... it was the want of practical application, the want of sympathy - the want of heart. First bread, then religion.
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