Monday, July 20, 2009

Follow Up

Liked the following post from a current batch of IITkgp students.

I requested the author for a follow up article in the comment section. Waiting for it.

The freshers introduction this year had many firsts.

President, TSG quoted profusely from Vivekananda. Prof. Mandal dug deep into one's inner self in responding to'why a iit student should feel low' and other questions. This morning, Prof. Chowdhury had a three hour talk on 'Spirituality'. Wish it is follwed up properly. Couldn't find VP, TSG's mail id. Got up to his orkut profile. But couldn't proceed further. Saturday afternoon he talked about many societies under TSG. There wasn't any that addresses basic inquiries of life, certain fundamental questions - purpose of life, who am I, God, what is success etc.

I wish there is something under TSG like what is there in IIT Madras Have already written to other speakers. The response so far is positive. Let's see.

Chiranjeev Maharaj's visit was all fun. Had taken running notes. Shall put them up when I get some time. Lot of works have piled up. Today spent 2 hours in the 2nd half in NSS registration. Would like to see NSS plays the role it is supposed to.

1 comment:

Rahul said...

I have written a follow up as you requested. Comments are welcome.