I did good!! OMG!
This was an examination where I was fully prepared to get an 'F'. I almost jumped from my seat and hugged the person who announced the result. OMG! I did good!!
Let me say why I was expecting an 'F'.
Mother was hospitalized for sometime (
Link). Mobility is an issue for her and she is mostly on wheel-chair, does not want to wait for knee transplantation till my winter vacation. Had to say 'No' to a very important responsibility for which the nation looks towards IIT with bated breath, as it needs lots of traveling and I need to give time to mother. Felt honoured that I was considered capable enough for that very, very challenging job.
The knee operation is planned at Fortis, Kolkata. Discussion is on with the doctor. Hospital stay could be for two weeks. Post operation physiotherapy for six weeks, is critical. Mother is prepared that I might not be available everyday by her side during hospital stay. But, I don't like that, feel stressed - how I would be able to manage both professional and family commitments, I do not yet know.
I personally was having one symptom. This apparently indicated one parameter not doing good and would require prolonged medication. Test was suggested. Otherwise too, annual check-up was due. Last year some of the parameters were on the border line. We have a family history of high blood pressure. I fare 140/90 for long which again is considered borderline.
One set of blood test was conducted on TUE (empty stomach) and the other was done on THU (post breakfast). It was not possible on WED due to morning class.
I was to take test reports, meet doctor, get blood pressure checked on THU evening and perhaps to get started with medicine which was not required so far for me.
Then came the THU afternoon / evening. Received something which was not expected at all. More than what was delivered, the way it was delivered was very disturbing. Felt bad for the team I serve and feel proud of, that comprises of young, enthusiastic, hard working people, devoted to the cause.
Defended to the extent possible. Felt grateful for the support received across the vertical. Even then had a sleepless THU night, may be for not facing a situation like that in my earlier association here, may be because of the quality of company I enjoyed till now or may be for getting used to certain kind of approach (
Link to one post,
Link to one youtube video). Thanks again for the support received from across the hierarchy.
And yes, missed the doctor's appointment and could not collect the test report because of this unfortunate matter. Family members were so anxious to see me that much agitated when I returned home at 9 PM, they forgot to scold me that I had missed the doctor's appointment, neither I could collect the blood test report.
Comes Friday. There was a 10:30-12:30 double lecture and 1:30-4:30 lab. I thought that I wouldn't be able to survive beyond one lecture hour and would compensate one class later. But, chalk-duster-blackboard and hundred students before you, you are a transformed self. We couldn't feel how two hours passed.
Phone call from outstation close relative came at 5 PM. There was a string of advice, that I must not miss the doctor's appointment that evening. Also, I was advised to be regular and sincere on taking medicines that doctor prescribes.
The writing on the wall was clear. I too almost gave up!
Entered doctor's chamber at 7 PM. He checked reports. The borderline cases or the shooting beyond the range for two parameters do not need medication but rationing of some food items.
Then came the final test, measurement of blood pressure. Like a student who knows that he is going to fail for activities in the run up of the examination, and prefers to surrender before the examiner expecting the unexpected, I told timidly as the doctor put the blood pressure cuff around my arm, "I am little disturbed. Had some fight. I don't expect to do well."
The measurement was done. Doctor looked at me while unwrapping the blood pressure cuff. I knew the result, that it would be an 'F'. Still I asked, "How much?"
Sharp came the answer, "140 / 90."
OMG! OMG! I did goood!!
One person felt disappointed though :-) because I didn't join her club. She takes medicine regularly for the love of it and wondered how I got spared this time too!
Endnote: That I passed the test made me qualified enough to honour the guest list of printed invitation cards, where local community just outside IIT Kharagpur campus were organizing a blood donation camp this morning! And when asked, made a short speech too on voluntary blood donation movement and its significance in our healthcare.