Sunday, January 3, 2010


Childhood(C) vs. Adolescence(A) : Smacking(S) vs. Non-smacking(N)
The following study shows that C-S combination works quite well while A-S is a big no-no.
Parents, listening? From today's TOI.


It’s proven: Spare the rod & spoil the child

London: For long, it has been a divisive debate — is smacking your child right? Now, a study claims that chastised youngsters indeed do better in life.
An international team has carried out the study and found that young children smacked by their parents grow up to be happier and more successful than those who have never been hit, the Sunday Times reported.

They have based their findings on an analysis of detailed questioning of 179 teenagers who were asked how old they were when they were last smacked and how often they were smacked as a child.
The study found that kids smacked up to the age of six were more likely as teenagers to perform better at school, carry out volunteer work and go to university than their peers who were
never physically disciplined. Only those children who continued to be smacked into adolescence showed clear behavioural problems, the study reported.
Lead researcher Marjorie Gunnoe of Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, said her study showed there’s insufficient evidence to deny parents the freedom to choose how they discipline their children. PTI

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